Red Flag: Police Confiscate Washington Man’s Guns For Posting ‘Joker’ Memes Online

So, this 23-year-old kid does what all 23-year-old young guys do – he posts a meme about the #1 box office move in the country online that mocks the media’s relentless push to prove violent “Joker” represents Trump supporters, and someone online reports him to the authorities, and next thing you know, his guns are taken away.

There’s a very good reason why American patriots rallied against federal red flag laws when President Trump signaled he was open to supporting them after a string of mass shootings.

Red Flag laws are an infringement of our Constitutional rights. There is no due process. Authorities can just come and take your guns away based on an “extreme protection order.” After that is carried out, you have to go through a lengthy and sometimes costly process to get them back.

Many states like Washington, Oregon, and California have Red Flag laws. The last thing we need is a federal red flag law. Can you imagine what liberals would do with that?
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