Rantz: No whites, Jews allowed at Seattle school Multicultural Week event

Diversity by Clay Banks is licensed under unsplash.com

Update March 17th:

After this story was published, the principal rescinded the exclusionary invite and opened the event up to all students.

Original story:

A Seattle public school is forbidding white and Jewish students from attending a taxpayer-funded event for Multicultural Week. Nothing screams celebrating diversity like school-sponsored racism.

Lincoln High School is celebrating Multicultural Week through March 17. According to Principal Corey Eichner, the week is meant to “promote cultural visibility” with a number of events put on by the Black Student Union (BSU), Latino Student Union (LSU), and Asian Student Union (ASU). The Friday event is a free potluck lunch, but there will be no promoting cultural visibility on display for white and Jewish students. They’re not invited.

“On Friday of Multicultural Week, students and staff of color and/or those who identify with any group represented by BSU/LSU/ASU are invited for a lunch potluck,” Eichner wrote in a school newsletter.

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