‘Preventing Violence Against Female Inmates Act’: Cotton Introduces Bill To House Prisoners By Biological Sex

Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton introduced the “Preventing Violence Against Female Inmates Act” on Wednesday, which would not allow for males who identify as female to be placed in women’s prisons. 

“President Biden’s plan to house male and female prisoners together will put women in danger. Documented cases prove that placing men—including ones who ‘identify’ as female—in women’s prisons puts female inmates at increased risk of sexual assault. My bill will stop the president’s ill-conceived plan and keep men and women separated in federal prison,” Cotton said in a statement.

Backers of the bill included Heritage Action, the American Principles Project, and Concerned Women for America LCA.

The bill would block federal prisons from housing males in female prisons for reasons of gender identity. The language says that the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) should “use the biological sex of person charged with or convicted of offenses against the United States in making determinations regarding housing such persons.”
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