Post-Roe: Pro-Life Activists Vow to Protect Mothers and Babies While Planned Parenthood Touts More At-Home Abortions

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  • Source: Breitbart
  • 01/24/2022
March For Life by Maria Oswalt is licensed under
In a potential post-Roe v. Wade America, a national pro-life leader said her organization is committed to “creative solutions” to protect both mothers and their babies, while the CEO of Planned Parenthood is vowing to use government-eased restrictions on abortion-inducing drugs to ensure women can end the lives of their unborn children at home.

“In a post-Roe America, pro-life leaders in the states and in Congress will forge consensus and work to enact the most ambitious protections yet for unborn children and their mothers – saving millions of lives,” Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser said in a statement sent to Breitbart News.

The pro-life leader observed that, “despite the hostility of the Biden administration, life is winning,” and noted a new poll released on the eve of the March for Life that found 71 percent of Americans support legal limits on abortion.

“The pro-life movement’s efforts to build and strengthen the safety net for women and families are more crucial now than ever,” Dannenfelser explained. “We’re committed to finding creative solutions that involve both private sector initiatives, like America’s 2,700 pro-life pregnancy centers, and public sector ones like Texas’ $100-million-per-year state Alternatives to Abortion program that prove we can love and protect both mother and child.”
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