Poll: Anthony Sabatini Leads by 7 Points in Florida GOP Congressional Primary

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  • Source: Breitbart
  • 07/20/2022
voting by Element5 Digital is licensed under unsplash.com
Congressional candidate and State Rep. Anthony Sabatini (R) leads a crowded field in Florida’s 7th district by seven points heading into the August 23rd primary.

Twenty-three percent of those surveyed supported Sabatini, while 16 percent selected Cory Mills and nine percent chose Brady Duke, according to RMG Research owned and operated by Scott Rasmussen. The survey is the first major poll of the primary race.

Sabatini leads among nearly all demographics, including men (20 percent), women (20 percent), ages 35-54 (21 percent), ages 55 plus (27 percent), and white (21 percent) and other races (36 percent). Duke leads among the 18-34 age demographic with 23 percent. Mills came in second place in all categories besides the category of ages 18-34.
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