Our Enemy is Radical Islam, Not The Gun Lobby

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As you are aware, an Islamic terrorist went on a murderous rampage at a gay club in Orlando on Sunday morning.

The numbers are staggering, impossible to comprehend and difficult to even believe. At least 49 dead, another 50+ wounded. From what I’ve read, there were only 300 patrons left in the bar by the time the Muslim terrorist showed up and opened fire. That means the culprit managed to kill or cause serious injury to a full third of the people in the building before police finally took him down. When all was said and done, he had perpetrated the worst mass shooting in American history, and the worst terrorist attack on our soil since 9/11. It is an unspeakable tragedy and a travesty. I pray for the souls of the victims, and for the families, that they might feel God’s comfort in this time of incredible grief.

Now, two thoughts I feel compelled to share after watching the news reports and observing the public reaction in the wake of this historic crime:

1. Those blaming the NRA, rather than radical Islam, ought to be ashamed.

Compounding the tragedy as always, many in our country – including the commander-in-chief, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and many other powerful figures – cannot wait for the chalk outlines to be drawn before they begin to exploit the carnage for political and ideological gain.
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