Nathan Dahm joins race to replace Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe and says Fauci belongs in prison

Dr. Anthony Fauci by Fogarty International Center is licensed under U.S. Government Works
EXCLUSIVE — Oklahoma Republican state Sen. Nathan Dahm is jumping into the special Senate race to replace Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe, shifting direction after originally embarking on a primary challenge to junior Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford.

He announced the move with a fiery take: Dr. Anthony Fauci “belongs in federal prison,” Dahm told the Washington Examiner in an interview over the weekend at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida, pointing to Fauci's denials of knowing about gain-of-function research in a Wuhan, China, lab before the coronavirus pandemic.

“He is the prime poster child for government bureaucrats not being held accountable for their actions. I believe he has caused deaths,” said Dahm, 39. “If you look at his record, during the AIDS epidemic, he was wrong about almost everything that caused that epidemic to grow even worse, caused even more deaths, And I think he's actually caused deaths in America, and I think he should be held accountable for that and he should go and he should rot in a federal prison for the rest of his life.”

Though Dahm speaks in a calm and measured tone, he is no stranger to throwing out headline-grabbing signals. In 2014, he named a bill to allow citizens to obtain a gun without a license after gun control advocate Piers Morgan, then a CNN host. Morgan invited him to a debate on his show, during which Dahm recited the Second Amendment at Morgan’s prompting and cited Oklahoma laws on militias.
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