Migrants Rush Arizona Border, Sheriff ‘Fielding 911 Calls’ From Migrants Requesting Water

border by Barbara Zandoval is licensed under unsplash.com
In the last 24 hours, “several hundred” illegal immigrants have rushed the border in hopes to get across before the Biden administration reimplements President Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy.

NBC local news affiliate KXAN reports, “More than 1,500 migrants came across from Sonora, Mexico, on Monday and other groups were spotted near Morelos Dam across the border, the Yuma Sun reported.”

As a result, Arizona is preparing to deploy the National Guard to aid the overwhelmed local law enforcement. The Yuma Sun reported that the County Sheriff’s office has “been fielding 911 calls since Sunday from migrants requesting water and to be picked up; one Border Patrol official told the newspaper the agency is trying to pick up every migrant but ‘there just aren’t enough agents.”

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey said he would deploy “tactical resources” and National Guard troops to areas where Border Patrol desperately needs help. “Resources include personnel, cars, trucks, all-terrain vehicles and a helicopter” reports KXAN.

Governor Doug Ducey tweeted earlier this week “Yuma is facing an escalating humanitarian and border crisis- and it’s a direct result of the Biden administration’s poor communication, lack of organization and complete disregard for border protection.”
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