Mid-drought, Mid-Energy Crisis, California to Begin Removing Hydroelectric Dams on Klamath River

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  • Source: Breitbart
  • 05/23/2022
brown mountains beside body of water by Aaron Burden is licensed under unsplash.com
The State of California is about to begin removing the first of four dams on the Klamath River — despite an extreme drought and a looming electricity generation crisis — to improve habitat for migratory salmon and satisfy Native American groups.

As the Associated Press (via Breitbart News) noted earlier this year, President Joe Biden’s administration reversed course after President Donald Trump’s administration blocked the dam removal on California’s second-largest river, which was planned in 2016 after California and Oregon signed an agreement to demolish the dams but still required federal approval.

Now, the demolition has been scheduled for 2023, awaiting only confirmation that dam removal itself would not harm fish.
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