Meet the Democrats who could replace Pelosi as party leader in 2023

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  • Source: Fox News
  • 01/04/2022
The United States Capitol Rotunda by Joshua Sukoff is licensed under
Despite recent chatter that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is considering a run for reelection, she's still widely expected to cede the top spot among House Democrats to another member of her party in the next Congress, especially if Republicans take back the chamber as many expect. 

If she does step aside, Pelosi would cap a remarkable 20-year run as the top Democrat in the House of Representatives – and leave a major power vacuum for her party to fill. 

Here are some of the top options Democrats have if Pelosi's time in Congress is indeed coming to a close.

Hakeem Jeffries

Jeffries, D-N.Y., the House Democratic Caucus chairman, represents a major Democratic power center in New York City – just as Pelosi represents a similar stronghold in San Francisco. 
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