Lower Broad Musicians Bristle at New Tootsie’s Circuit Contract

Acoustic guitar player in pale light by Gabriel Gurrola is licensed under unsplash.com
Musicians who play the Tootsie’s Circuit — the collection of Lower Broadway bars owned or co-owned by Steve Smith, including Tootsie’s Orchid Lounge, Kid Rock’s Big Ass Honky Tonk & Rock N’ Roll Steakhouse, Rippy’s and Honky Tonk Central — are pushing back on a new contract that they say they have been asked to sign in the past month.

The one-page contract, which they say comes from an organization called Honky Tonk School, requires artists to pay 10 percent of their Tootsie’s Circuit base pay to Honky Tonk School, as well as 10 percent of all other performing earnings. In exchange, they’re supposed to get booked for three to five weekly shows at the bars, plus social media support, ongoing vocal lessons and more. Honky Tonk School is a project started by Scott Collier and Smith’s brother John Taylor to develop and mentor up-and-coming artists and book them at company bars.

The contract, which has a number of typos and confusing grammar choices, had been rumored for several months. Its impending arrival caused concern for musicians who were unclear on what would be required of them and how they would pay the additional expense, says Sasha McVeigh, an advocate for downtown musicians, administrator of an industry Facebook group, and a musician who used to play on the Tootsie’s Circuit and now plays elsewhere.

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