‘Liberty Village’ to Counter the Left’s Attacks on America With Real History

Theme Park by Matt Bowden is licensed under unsplash.com

ST. GEORGE, UTAH—A nonprofit organization is launching a new historical theme park to bring American history to life and to reveal some inspiring stories that counter the Left’s narrative that the nation’s promise does not apply to women and racial minorities.

“Youth today are in the middle of an educational firestorm,” Dennis Leavitt, chief executive officer of the nonprofit United We Pledge, told The Daily Signal. He said his organization, based in St. George, Utah, aims to “light a fire in youth that causes them to become better Americans” through the project, known as Liberty Village.

Liberty Village, a 32-acre campus set to open on July 4, 2026, will include life-size, functional replicas of historical buildings, reenactments of events from the Revolutionary War and the Founding, and actors portraying key historical figures from that era.

United We Pledge aims to highlight the virtues of the Founding, particularly the ideals of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, without papering over the United States’ sins, especially the centuries of race-based slavery. However, the project will highlight how America’s ideals spurred the country on to resolve evils such as slavery.

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