Knives out for Joe

After his dismal performance on the debate stage, it didn’t take long for those closest to President Joe Biden to feed him to the wolves.  Witnesses described the 46th president’s performance as “dismal”, “concerning” and “terrifying” among other things.  His rambling responses to questions, coupled with his thousand-yard stare, eliminated doubt in anyone’s mind regarding his ability to effectively carry out the duties of President of the United States.
It became abundantly clear the moment the president slowly shuffled out onto the stage; that he would be in for a long evening.  It took mere seconds for his voice to crack, and for his train of thought to collapse into disjointed nonsense.  He concluded one segment by stating, “we finally beat Medicare”, when questioned about the economy. 
His performance was so bad, even those in the main-stream media that had been providing him cover these last three years, could no longer shelter the cognitively disabled commander in chief. 
It didn’t take long for the press corps to finally start doing its job.   This was the day we’ve been waiting for, the day when the main-stream media would finally have their hand forced to report factually on the president’s cognitive ability.  The world was watching, and concluded the president’s performance was not a one off.
In the days following, rumblings began from democrat lawmakers about replacing the 46th president, but time was of the essence; and this needed to be done in delicate fashion.  After all, the press had been in the bag for three and a half years, so the mutiny needed to be swift and subtle at the same time.    
Prior to the June debate, most of the White House staff remained tight lipped when it came to the oval office and its primary occupant.  For over three years, the fraternal order of Biden nixed any inquiries of palace intrigue, or the goings on behind the scenes.  These staffers might be the most egregious of the bunch, since they collaborated to conceal and quash factual reports of the president’s acuity; this especially applies to VP Harris. 
In the aftermath, the king makers began their less than stealthy assault on the democrat nominee.  Former president Barack Obama greenlighted the George Clooney op-ed to the New York Times, calling on the current president to pack up his tent at 1600 Pennsylvania. 
Clooney’s knife thrusting op-ed gutted the 46th president almost immediately.  Key democrats in the party, including Pelosi and Schumer began to circle the wagons, as they shifted into full panic mode.  At this point, the time for utilizing kid gloves had reached its crescendo.  Democrats could no longer deny what was apparent to the viewing public, desperate times now called for desperate measures.  
They took turns visiting the white house, while the rest of them descended onto the cable talk show circuit to further bloody Biden’s now exposed carcass.  This was it for Joe, the moment of truth, the time for niceties had come and gone; he was leaving one way or the other.  
Within weeks of the disastrous debate, Joe’s knees had finally buckled.  He was now forced to face the reality that his closest allies had come for him.  Prominent democrat leaders and billionaire donors were going to overrule 14 million primary voters and select a proxy monarch to their liking. 
Due to unrelenting pressure, President Joe Biden made it official just a few days later. He could no longer keep the saboteurs at bay; and dropped out of the 2024 presidential race.  The progressive elites have designated America’s Border Czar Kamala Harris to be their next ruler, effectively disenfranchising 14 million primary voters.
Thanks, and God bless.     

Editorial comments expressed in this column are the sold opinion of the writer.
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