Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and the Colombia Collection

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  • Source: Townhall
  • 07/20/2022
The Hunter Biden story has always been a Joe Biden story. It has been clear all along that Hunter Biden, like some other relatives of high officeholders, spent years trying to cash in on his father's government position. And we've known for a while that Justice Department investigators are looking into whether Hunter paid taxes on the money he got from various overseas deals, and whether he fully complied with foreign agent registration requirements.

What we still don't know is what Hunter's father, former vice president and now President Joe Biden, knew about his son's business dealings. It's hard to imagine a son traveling all around the world, trading on his father's name and position, and the father not knowing a single thing about it. And yet that is what Joe Biden claims.

"I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings," Biden said in Iowa in 2019, during the Democratic presidential primary campaign. That's a pretty definitive statement. Since then, Biden or his spokespersons have stood behind that denial; so today, in July 2022, the president's position is that he has never spoken to his son about his son's overseas business dealings.
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