Jewish students at UW express safety concerns after recent rallies

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  • Source: KOMO
  • 10/28/2023
auditorium by Mikael Kristenson is licensed under

Jewish students at the University of Washington (UW) are speaking up about their safety concerns as the university has seen protests on campus during the war between Israel and Hamas.

A large protest occurred on the university’s Red Square a couple of weeks ago. It was described as "a day of resistance" protest by the pro-Palestinian demonstrators. Other rallies have happened across Seattle.

While some at the pro-Palestinian rallies have called for an end to the killings of Palestinian civilians, other demonstrators at the same protests have called to "Free Palestine" by any means. The rallies have also included anti-Israel and anti-U.S. chants and sentiments.

On the campus of UW, fliers can still be seen at Red Square. One from Socialist Revolution reads “Defend Gaza, Intifada until victory.” Intifada is an Arabic word meaning "shaking off," but more closely translates to "rebellion" or "uprising."

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