Jan. 6 Capitol riot a year later: Over 700 rioters charged, DOJ won't say if feds were involved

Cupula by Alejandro Barba is licensed under unsplash.com
A year after the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, the Justice Department has charged more than 700 people in connection with the incident while refusing to answer questions regarding whether federal agents were involved in instigating it.

At least 600 of those charges were misdemeanors for entering or remaining within restricted Capitol grounds, offenses punishable by a maximum one-year prison sentence and $100,000 fine, CBS News reported.

Other minor charges include illegal picketing and disorderly or disruptive conduct on Capitol grounds, which hundreds of defendants have been charged with.

One of the more common felony offenses charged is corruptly obstructing, influencing, or impeding — or attempting to — the official proceeding of certifying Electoral College votes. About 275 defendants are accused of acting in ways that impede or obstruct the normal function of government, which carries a 20-year-maximum prison sentence.
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