13 Oregon counties vote to secede from the state and join Idaho

Crook County, Oregon became the thirteenth county to vote in favor of secession to join neighboring Idaho on Tuesday. The largely conservative rural counties have voted to leave the Democrat-dominated state over the last two years with this most recent measure passing with 53 percent of the vote. 

Speaking to The Post Millennial, the organizers of the Crook County Measure, known as the "Greater Idaho Measure," explained that the move to secede from Oregon was fueled by the progressive policies favored by the Portland and Salem coastal areas. They said that the state government has alienated the eastern counties and that attaching themselves to Idaho would allow their citizens to benefit from more equal representation in Boise, lower taxes, and better governance.

As previously reported by Law Enforcement Today, Oregon has been plagued by serious issues such as high crime rates, and lax prosecution as well as ongoing epidemics of homelessness and drug use.

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