‘Huge Win’: Business Leaders, Legal Experts Celebrate as Supreme Court Blocks Biden Vaccine Mandate

SCOTUS by Adam Szuscik is licensed under unsplash.com
Legal experts and business leaders rejoiced Thursday following news that the Supreme Court had blocked President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for private employers.  

“The Supreme Court has stood up for small businesses by staying this illegal employer vaccine mandate,” said Alfredo Ortiz, president and CEO of Job Creators Network. “The court has confirmed what JCN has long argued: OSHA [the Occupational Safety and Health Administration] does not have the authority to implement this sweeping regulation that will burden American businesses, including many small businesses, with new costs and exacerbate the historic labor shortage.” 

The two court rulings allow the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate for health care workers to remain in place but block Biden from enforcing the vaccine mandate for companies and other organizations with 100 or more employees. 

The mandate for businesses comes from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, an agency of the Labor Department, and was to go into effect Monday. 
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