How A Seattle-Area School District Ignored Repeated Warnings Of ‘Grooming-Like Behavior’

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More than four years before paraeducator Bryan Neyers was charged with sexually abusing young boys, his school’s dean of students emailed the principal about his behavior:

“I feel there are loose ends with Bryan.”

Neyers, then a 19-year-old playground assistant at Glacier Park Elementary School in Maple Valley, southeast of Seattle, had been overheard saying, “I’ll give you a nickel if you suck my pickle” around students in the lunchroom, according to emails obtained by InvestigateWest. 

The incident was one of the first complaints school administrators received describing what co-workers later characterized to law enforcement as Neyers’ “grooming-like behavior.” But just like the dozens of other warning signs reported to administrators in the years leading up to Neyers’ arrest in April 2020, Neyers faced no real consequences and continued to work with children, records show.

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