Household Wealth Graphs Show Dramatic Difference Between Trump, Biden Years

A pair of graphs are going viral on social media showing vast disparities in household wealth during former President Donald Trump’s term and that of President Joe Biden when inflation is factored in.

Last week, The Wall Street Journal released illustrations in a report that analyzed household net worth—calculated as stocks, bonds, cash, and property minus debts—during the first three years of Trump’s administration compared to the first three years of Biden’s tenure.

Drawing on data from the Federal Reserve, including seasonally adjusted figures for the Biden years, the newspaper reported that total household net worth increased by 23% during the first three years of Trump’s presidency and 19% during the first three years of Biden’s term.

When adjusted for inflation, The Wall Street Journal reported that net worth rose 16% during Trump’s first three years in office and just 0.7% during Biden’s first three years.

Graphs illustrating data on household wealth, which adjusted for inflation to show the Trump years line higher than the Biden years line, were posted on X (formerly Twitter) on Sunday by the Republican National Committee and other accounts.

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