House votes to boost North Korea sanctions

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House lawmakers passed new sanctions legislation on Thursday designed to undercut North Korea's economy by cracking down on the network of banks and industries that help it avoid western sanctions.

"If we shut down their economy, they can't move forward with their [nuclear weapons program] program," House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Ed Royce, R-Calif., said Thursday on Fox.Democrats Serenade GOP With "Hey Hey, Goodbye" Song On Passage Of Obamacare Repeal

The House easily passed the legislation in a 419-1 vote.

The sanctions bill sharpens the warning against collaborating with North Korea that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson issued last week at a special meeting of the United Nations Security Council. Tillerson threatened to impose sanctions on entities that help North Korea circumvent international sanctions.

The bill, called the Korea Interdiction and Modernization of Sanctions Act, targets anyone who buys North Korean products beyond legal limits or who helps provide indirect access to the international banking system
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