Historic Supreme Court Decisions Loom on Abortion, Guns, Religion

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  • Source: Breitbart
  • 06/23/2022
pro-abortion by Aiden Frazier is licensed under unsplash.com
WASHINGTON, DC – The Supreme Court is expected in the next seven days to hand down five major decisions, three of which will be huge, and potentially material for the history books –on abortion, the Second Amendment, and religious liberty.

The Supreme Court’s term begins the first Monday of October, and officially lasts until the date of the next term’s October start date. But the court’s term as a public matter usually ends in the final week of June, which is now right around the corner.

This year is unusual in the number of extremely consequential cases it has. This week the court held in Carson v. Makin that Maine violated the First Amendment’s Free Exercise Clause by excluding Christian schools from a school aid program. But with Carsondecided, fully five of the court’s 13 remaining cases are also major cases.

One is Biden v. Texas, about President Joe Biden’s attempt to shut down one of former President Donald Trump’s signature policies, the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), better known as “Remain in Mexico,” without which the number of illegal aliens making it into this country would be far higher.
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