Here's how the presidential primary election works in Washington

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  • 02/22/2024
a hand holding a red button that says i vote by Parker Johnson is licensed under

OLYMPIA, Wash. — Washington state’s presidential primary is on March 12 and the process differs from regular elections in the state. Here’s what you should know.

Presidential primaries in the state are the only elections to require voters to mark and sign party declarations. According to the Washington Secretary of State’s Office, this type of primary is a way for voters to help political parties decide their presidential nominees.

Beginning Feb. 23, ballots will be mailed to registered voters and voters must mark one party box, sign and return. Each party’s candidates will be listed on the ballot, but voters can only choose a candidate in one party. If voters choose candidates from both parties or a candidate from a party that doesn't match the party box selected, their votes will not count.

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