Here’s how much ObamaCare premiums will rise in 2019

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Obtaining insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) exchanges will be even more expensive next year, according to a new report.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that ObamaCare premiums will rise 15% in 2019, driven in large part by the administration’s decision to eliminate the individual mandate penalty, which means people will no longer face a fine for not having coverage. That change is expected to lead to less healthy people buying insurance on the exchanges.

Through 2028, the CBO projects premiums will climb about 7% per year, on average.

However, many who buy coverage on the ObamaCare exchanges also receive subsidies, which helps shield them from price increases.

Earlier this year, the Trump administration announced a plan to extend short-term, limited-duration health coverage to 12 months, in an effort to reduce costs. Such coverage wouldn’t meet all of the Affordable Care Act requirements.
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