Harvard professor convicted of crimes related to hiding connections to Chinese government

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  • Source: The Blaze
  • 12/22/2021
China flag by zhang kaiyv is licensed under unsplash.com
Harvard University professor Charles Lieber has been convicted of several criminal charges associated with hiding his connections to a recruitment program run by the Chinese government.

Lieber pleaded not guilty to two counts of filing false tax returns, two counts of making false statements, and two counts of failing to file reports for a foreign bank account in China. Lieber was found guilty by a jury on all counts Tuesday, according to Bloomberg.

Lieber's defense attorney Marc Mukasey argued that the prosecution lacked proof that his client committed the crimes of which he was accused.

"If you’re going to blow into somebody’s office, handcuff them behind the back, then 25 agents go to their house and bring the full force of the US government down on them – because you think they made false statements – you better damned well have those statements,” Mukasey said, according to the South China Post.
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