Webster’s defines terrorism as, “The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.” While Webster’s definition is for the most part straightforward, perhaps a tweaking of its wording, or an addendum can be created for what the world was forced to witness on October 7, 2023.
On that day, the free state of Israel and its innocent civilians were indiscriminately and sadistically massacred, by what can only be described as extreme savagery.
The world was forced to bear witness to a degree of barbarism committed on the Jewish people not seen for over half a century. Roughly 1400 innocent civilians were rounded up and slaughtered in a vile and grotesque manner; almost 5000 others were injured as they lay in their beds, attended peace concerts, or attempted to enjoy a quiet Saturday morning with their families.
Children were decapitated in front of their parents, women and children were raped and tortured while their families watched, infant babies were thrown down on their heads, entire families were intentionally burned alive, and over 240 innocent civilians were kidnapped and taken hostage by Hamas terrorists.
The innocent civilians taken hostage, currently remain in captivity somewhere underground in Gaza, in tunnels and cages, in what must be unimaginable conditions.
As a legislator in my community, I receive communication and correspondence from citizens, friends, and colleagues. The pictures and videos (many taken by Hamas) shared with me that day, show an unimaginable degree of depraved indifference, that I didn’t think was possible in today’s civilized world.
I was given a stark reminder that antisemitism is not only alive and well, but thriving to a sickening degree in many places, including America’s college campuses. With all the depraved indifference taking place against Jewish people, many of America’s students have begun to gulp down the antisemitic Kool-Aid by the gallon.
Students continue rallying and picketing in America’s higher education institutions, spewing violent antisemitic rhetoric, reminiscent of 1930s Germany. Chanting “from the river to the sea,” which is a euphemism for Jewish extinction. The so-called inclusion generation has begun to resuscitate antisemitic diatribe while regurgitating terrorist doctrines.
They have quite literally become a propogandist arm for Hamas.
In some sick and twisted way, they have justified the barbarism committed against Jewish people, taking present day antisemitism to a despicable new low.
Columbia, Harvard, and Cornell are just a few of the 300 college campuses erupting into antisemitic acceptance hubs. Jewish students have been forced into hiding on and off campus; with many of them having been assaulted and verbally abused. In several cases, Jewish students have been forced to barricade themselves inside buildings simply to evade attack.
Sadly, the vile conduct doesn’t end with the student body. Over 100 Columbia University professors and administrators signed a collective statement in support of Hamas’s reprehensible conduct that day, calling it a “military operation.” The letter went on to say, “The attack represented a military response by a people who had endured crushing and unrelenting state violence from an occupying power over many years.”
Columbia’s faculty further equated Israel’s treatment of Palestinians to “apartheid,” demanding an immediate cease fire, instead of a demanding an immediate release of all hostages, which shows exactly how ignorant and bigoted these educators truly are.
The despicable letter penned by Columbia’s faculty also depicts exactly what’s being taught in so-called higher education. America’s students are being propagandized with a bigoted worldly viewpoint that portrays the Jewish people and the Israeli state in an apartheidic light, which is simply another Jewish trope being advanced by American academia.
“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.” Confucius ◆
Thank you & God bless you,
Vincent Cavaleri