Gun store owner: Assault weapons ban is ‘a failed policy’

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Customers are heading to local gun stores in droves as an assault weapons ban looms over Washington state. The bill banning certain guns was first introduced by Rep. Strom Peterson (D-21) at the request of both Governor Jay Inslee and Attorney General Bob Ferguson.

“Every time there is an impending limitation on what people are going to be able to purchase in the future, whatever that item is, I think we see a run on it, whether we’re talking firearms or anything else,” John Holschen, owner of West Coast Armory North, told Jason Rantz on KTTH 770 AM. “So there’s been enormous numbers of these firearms sold across the state in the last couple of months.”

The Washington state Senate passed the assault weapons ban bill April 10 on a 27-21 vote.

“Honestly, I’ve wondered why it hasn’t happened in past sessions,” Holschen said. “It’s something that they’ve been introducing every year for quite a few years. It appeared that they had the votes to get it through in past years, but it didn’t go through.”

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