Goodwin: Adam Schiff’s dull impeachment hearings are a flop

Is that it? Is that all they’ve got?

Day One of impeachment was not exactly must-see TV. Sure, it was interesting and substantive at times, which would be compliments if this were a graduate school seminar about the lonely lives and confusing experiences of far-flung diplomats.

But this was a congressional hearing to determine whether to file charges against and ultimately remove the president of the United States. By that standard, the Adam Schiff show was a flop.

I would call it a sensational flop, except that would suggest a sense of drama the day never produced. A five-hour slog that doesn’t hit pay dirt or end up anywhere meaningful can’t be sensational.

The Schiff show was more of a quiet, methodical flop. Imagine a slow leak in a big balloon and you’ll get the picture.
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