Florida Became Home To A Record-Breaking Number Of New Yorkers In August

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Thousands of New Yorkers left their democrat-run state for the warmer and more conservative Florida in August.

A monthly-record of 5,833 New Yorkers changed their drivers licenses to Florida last month, according to a New York Post analysis of data from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. That brought the year’s total to over 41,000 Empire State citizens leaving the blue bastion for the south.

“First it was the billionaires. Then it was the rich following behind them. Now you have the middle class,” said Alvin Valley, a fashion designer who moved to Palm Beach during the COVID pandemic.

“A lot of families just began to feel like New York was becoming unlivable,” Valley added, the Post reported. “Especially for younger couples with kids in their thirties and forties. They don’t want to get on the subway. It’s a safety issue, it’s a schools issue.”
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