Fired Football Coach To Be Reinstated After Supreme Court Win

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Joe Kennedy, the Washington state high school football coach who lost his job in 2015 for praying on the field after games, will be reinstated by March 15, 2023.

The news comes after Kennedy’s Supreme Court victory in June that ruled 6-3 that the coach was within his constitutional rights when he prayed at midfield after games.

"Bremerton School District shall not interfere with or prohibit Kennedy from offering a prayer consistent with the U.S. Supreme Court’s opinion,” the attorneys wrote in the filing, according to court records. Some details remain in discussion, with the filing stating, “The parties disagree on the specific wording of this portion of the injunction.”

The documents also note the “Bremerton School District cannot retaliate against or take any future adverse employment action against Kennedy for conduct that complies with the terms of the Court’s Order.”

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