Exclusive: UN Funds Migrant Wave Flooding to the U.S.

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  • Source: Breitbart
  • 01/18/2022
Moscow, summer by Olia Nayda is licensed under unsplash.com
The U.S.-funded United Nations is providing cash to help job-seeking migrants trek up through South America, Central America, and Mexico, says Todd Bensman at the Center for Immigration Studies.

“It is definitely organized,” Bensman told Breitbart News on Monday during a reporting trip to Tapachula in southern Mexico, where migrants arrive after crossing Central America:

They’re giving money out at way-stations up and down the [migrant] trail … There’s a process [in Tapachula]: You get your Mexican [visa] papers, then you go to the UN building next door, get an appointment, and they interview you and look at your situation…  It’s not big money, and not all of them get it, but enough get it to sustain them so they don’t have to go home, and so they can go on to the next way station.

Bensman tweeted a video of the migrants waiting for payments:
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