South Everett WA Emphasis Patrol Books 15 Into Jail For Drug/Trespassing Violations In 4 Hour Period

Back in January of this year we told you about new Special Emphasis Patrols that Police in Everett, Washington were conducting to try and deal with trespassing, open drug use and issues affecting businesses and residents around Everett.


Yesterday, EPD conducted another Empasis. This effort involved Everett Police officers including the COET Team with social workers offering services to those contacted. The area along Casino Road west of Evergreen was a main focus.

Fifteen people were booked into the Snohomish County Jail during the four-hour Emphasis on a variety of violations of Everett’s Municipal Code including:

• Loitering for the Purposes of Drug Activity
• Trespassing in the Second Degree
• Outstanding warrants
• SODA Violations (Stay Out of Drug Areas)

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