Eleven Countries Ban Disney Movie 'Lightyear' Over LGBT Grooming Scenes - Big League Politics

red yellow and blue egg by Brian McGowan is licensed under unsplash.com
Eleven nations are banning Disney’s new movie Lightyear from being shown in their country’s theatres over LGBT grooming scenes featuring a same-sex kiss.

Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates are among the countries that will be taking measures to protect children from the degenerate filth contained in this disgusting animated movie.
Additionally, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Jordan and Lebanon denied release certificates for the movie, which is a spinoff of the popular Toy Story franchises.

While some ethnocentric jingoists may point to this ban to claim that these Middle Eastern countries are backward or repressive, recent disclosures from Disney show that they are wise to keep this satanic propaganda out of their respective nations.
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