Elections office reports discrepancies, high signature rejection rates in Utah County

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The report stems from a review from the state elections office into the county's procedures following the June 25 statewide primary election, based on "concerns over reconciliation at Utah County polling locations and above average ballot signature rejection rates."

Those discrepancies resulted in at least 19 more ballots being cast than voters who checked in at polling locations, according to the report.

The report blamed those discrepancies on an in-person voting method unique to Utah County implemented by County Clerk Aaron Davidson called "fast cast," which state officials say may have allowed some voters to turn in multiple ballots.

The fast-cast program Davidson implemented allowed voters to scan their completed mail-in ballot directly into a vote tabulator at an in-person polling place after showing identification. The report said Ryan Cowley, the state's director of elections, "expressed concern about the potential for individuals to scan more than one ballot without the poll workers' knowledge."

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