Drag Queen Invited To Biden White House Once Performed For A 2-Year-Old Boy

White House by Edoardo Cuoghi is licensed under unsplash.com

Marti G. Cummings, a drag queen whom President Joe Biden invited to attend the signing of the Respect for Marriage Act at the White House, once performed for a 2-year-old boy.

Administration officials invited hundreds of LGBTQ activists to the White House on Tuesday as the commander-in-chief signed the legislation, which enshrines same-sex marriage protections into federal law in accordance with the Supreme Court’s opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges. Cummings, who shared a picture of his invitation on social media and said he was “grateful” to receive the overture, has a long history of activism, according to a report from the Daily Signal.

One video of Cummings singing the children’s song “Baby Shark” to a toddler went viral three years ago. Footage showed Cummings, donned in a wig, high-heeled boots, and a leotard tightly hugging his genitals, clapping along with the tune, at one point spinning onto a long table and briefly drawing attention to his nether regions. A man who appeared to be the boy’s father was smiling, bouncing the child on his knees, and recording the interaction while grinning from ear to ear.

“It was just a very quick kind of organic moment during the performance. He was so sweet, and he gave me a dollar,” Cummings told Inside Edition. “Obviously going to like a late-night drag show is not appropriate for a kid, but a family-friendly drag brunch is totally cool.”

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