DHS leader says 22 million illegals in U.S., double of previous estimates

Immigrants 1,026 el paso sector by U.S. Customs and Border Protection is licensed under Flickr U.S. Government Work
WASHINGTON — It’s been a central tenant of the Trump Administration’s domestic policy- cracking down on illegal immigration. Now one top official suggests the issue is far bigger than previously believed.

When answering a question about what will happen to DACA recipients, those who were brought to the United States illegally as children, if Congress doesn’t pass immigration legislation, Acting Director of the Department of Homeland Security’s Citizenship and Immigration Services said this:

“They’re here illegally under whatever circumstances they may have come. They’re in the same pool as the 22 million people who are here illegally,” said Ken Cuccinelli during a breakfast hosted by The Christian Science Monitor Wednesday.

The number, 22 million, comes from a September 2017 study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and is double what most other estimates have been.
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