Defying Liberal Predictions, This State Outperforms All Others

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Here I go with another North Carolina update, so bear with me.

Remember all the heart-felt wailing from North Carolina Democrats, led by that lumpy rat, Roy Cooper, about how the bathroom bill, HB2, was ruining North Carolina’s reputation and driving businesses away? If you listened to more than one or two of those leftist drones and their spiel during the run up to the 2016 election, you’d be pretty well convinced that North Carolina was in a death spiral because of a commonsense bathroom bill that kept private places private.

About that…

Site Selection magazine is an international publication that deals in corporate real estate and economic development.

It’s probably not the kind of magazine you read while sipping a cold Pepsi and catching a little sun on the white sands of Sunset Beach, but if you’re an investor and/or an entrepreneur looking to move your business to a profitable, agreeable U.S. location, Site Selection has the inside scoop on that.

Each year, Site Selection awards the Prosperity Cup to the top state for business competitiveness and appeal.

This year’s top award, based on 2016’s performance was awarded to North Carolina.
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