Conservative veterans will fan out in Washington to defend Trump Syria strategy

A group of conservative veterans is preparing to visit Washington to laud President Trump’s withdrawal of troops from northern Syria and to urge Republicans to back his intention to pull out of Afghanistan and other countries in the Middle East.

Wyoming House Majority Whip Tyler Lindholm, who was in the Navy on 9/11, is helping organize the mid-November gathering featuring speeches at the National Press Club and lobbying visits to Congress.

"If you listen to the sound clips of the war hawks who say you can’t pull out now because a vacuum will be created, and we can’t pull out in future because a vacuum will be created, and you are tired of that bullshit, contact you congressional delegation,” Lindholm said.

Trump faced broad Republican criticism for his withdrawal from northern Syria after Turkey attacked formerly U.S.-allied Kurds and received limited public support from allies such as Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul.
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