Coming Home by Gigi

When I left Nashville two years ago and moved to Florida I had no idea what would be in front of me. I just knew I needed a change and a new adventure. 

Nashville had opened her arms to me in so many ways.

First when I moved there 25 years prior to try my hand at a singer/songwriting career. 

Then starting a cleaning company ( Gigis Cleaning Co) to help fund my singing career. I had so many wonderful clients who opened their homes and let me clean for them.
Then I completely branched out and created something that not too many people had caught on to yet. It was a far fetched idea that was so risky. I opened my first cupcake shop on music row. Did lots of people think I was crazy ? Yes! But Nashville being the way it is its always open to something new, different and creative jumped right in and supported one of their own!

Nashville embraces Entrepreneurs of all kinds. The locals support local because they were once new and starting out so they want to “Pay it forward”.
You never know what talented artist might emerge from the masses or what great Resturant might come out of no where offering some delicacy that is the best thing on earth!
Well, in 2021 it was clear to me that the door of opportunity had closed. At least in my mind. After having to shut the door to my latest creation Pies By Gigi in Brentwood just a few minutes south of Nashville and it taking all of my funds and resources I felt like a failure and just needed a break. Coming back often in the last 2 years though has made me realize how much I missed it.

Although it can be a tough town it also has a certain charm that is unique and all its own. 

Flying in tonight high above the city seeing all the beautiful lights, downtown broadway bars and hundreds of church steeples I could feel the energy in the atmosphere beckoning me and welcoming me home. Reminding me that even if we have been broken or feel like we have failed…there is always hope, healing power and a new creation right around the corner.

It reminds me of the song “Bless the Broken Road” by Rascal Flatts. Every long lost dream leads me to where you are, others who broke my heart they were like northern stars, pointing me on my way…

God Blesses broken roads. He can heal a broken heart , renew a disappointed tired spirit, and heal all wounds. 
He can make all of our brokenness and things we think are failures into something beautiful if we let him.
If you have a spirit filled with Hope who knows what’s right around the bend waiting for you.

It’s a Blue Ocean, just waiting for you to jump in.


1 cup chopped cooked chicken breast, 3/4 cup mashed potatoes (made from a box of instand potatoes), 4 ounces cream cheese - softened, 1/2 cup frozen mixed vegetables - cooked, 2 tablespoons fresh parsley - chopped, 1/2 teaspoon poultry seasoning, salt and black pepper, 1 1/2 (14 oz.) packages piecrust or homemade, 1 large egg - beaten, Poppy seeds (optional) 

  • Preheat oven to 400 F. Lightly grease a baking sheet.
  • In a large bowl, stir together the chicken, mashed potatoes, cream cheese, begetables, parsley, poultry seasoning, and salt and pepper to taste.
  • Roll out the piecrust and using a medium-size bisuit cutter, make individual circles of dough.
  • Place about 3 tablespoons of the chicken mixture just below the center of each dough circle.
  • Fold the dough over the filling, using a fork to press and seal the edges. 
  • Arrange the pies on the prepared baknig sheet.
  • Brush with the egg and, if desired, sprinkle with the poppy seeds.
  • Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until golden brown. 
*Recipe courtesy of 'The Secret Ingredient' Copyright © 2018 by Gigi Butler

Editorial comments expressed in this column are the sold opinion of the writer.

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