CNN Admits Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Authentic 532 Days After Initial Reporting

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  • Source: Breitbart
  • 03/30/2022
CNN finally admitted on Wednesday that Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” is authentic 532 days after the initial story broke on October 24, 2020 — notably calling it “Russian disinformation” and “made up” at the time.

“There are a lot of issues that the Justice Department are looking into, including, of course, this laptop – on the right-wing – has featured a lot of stories about Hunter Biden,” CNN’s Evan Perez acknowledged. “We know the FBI has possession of it and that they believe it is his laptop.”

“The contents are his [Hunter’s],” he said, noting Hunter’s “very, very bad” looking corruption in Ukraine when Joe Biden was vice president.

John Harwood also finally revealed, “Hunter Biden was trading on his father’s name to make a lot of money.”
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