City of Seattle to phase out gas leaf blowers by 2027

stairs being blown down by a leaf blower by Callum Hill is licensed under

Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell signed a resolution Friday, directing all city departments to transition to electric leaf blowers no later than 2027.

The plan is in line with legislation passed by the city council in August of 2022. The resolution declares the city’s intent to stop using the devices by 2025 and gradually phase out the equipment among the public by 2027.

“These gas-powered leaf blowers aren’t just a nuisance; they impact our neighborhoods – and the workers who operate them – through air and noise pollution,” said Mayor Harrell. “This effort provides our City government with another opportunity to lead by example and transition away from these machines, replacing them with options that are carbon-neutral, quieter, and safer for operators and residents alike.”

The City of Seattle currently owns 418 gas-powered leaf blowers, with the Department of Parks and Recreation possessing the greatest number. Parks and Recreation reported that alternatives, such as electric leaf blowers, are not powerful enough to function during the wet autumn months.

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