Christmas trees are expected to run out due to supply shortages

red bauble on green christmas tree by Sandra Seitamaa is licensed under
Looks like Christmas is in short supply. Some families might not be rocking around a Christmas tree this holiday season as supply chains are affecting more than just what you see on the store shelves. Christmas tree buyers are saying there will be fewer trees for trimming this year.

We went to Meadows Farms Nursery to speak with its vice president, Ron Meadows, “Unfortunately, we do have a shortage of trees this year. My order was cut by about 30% from what I wanted to have.” Due to the tree shortage, Meadows said he doesn’t have the inventory of years past and that they will be sold out before Christmas.

And the prices? Yep, due to inflation, they are going to be higher than the chimney tops, Meadows said. “Trees have definitely gone up in prices in the last four years. Our cost has tripled." When it comes to real trees, two of the nation’s largest growers took a hit due to the West’s record-breaking high temperatures and wildfires.

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