Christianity is 'over' in Iraq and will not return, says former vicar of Baghdad

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Christianity is all but dead in war-torn Iraq, according to the so-called British “Vicar of Baghdad”.

Canon Andrew White, who was vicar of the only Anglican church in the country before being pulled out in 2014, said the “time has come” where Christianity “is over” in Iraq.

Mr White, from Kent, was speaking in a Fox News interview as the Iraqi military continues its offensive to drive Isis out of its major Iraqi stronghold Mosul, and after Donald Trump attempted to enforce a travel ban against six Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East and north Africa. 

“The time has come where it is over, no Christians will be left,” Mr White said.

“Some say Christians should stay to maintain the historical presence, but it has become very difficult. The future for the community is very limited.
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