China Puts on Military Spectacle to Scare Nancy Pelosi Away from Taiwan

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  • Source: Breitbart
  • 08/01/2022
One of the most popular photo tourist spots. by Rashtravardhan Kataria is licensed under
The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) staged military exercises and published propaganda videos of various weapons, including an alleged “aircraft carrier killer,” on Sunday and Monday in anticipation of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) arriving in Asia and potentially visiting Taiwan.

Pelosi landed in Singapore on Monday and has since met with its president and prime minister, bringing along a congressional delegation. Pelosi’s office confirmed the delegation would also visit Malaysia, South Korea, and Japan. Rumors for weeks have indicated that Pelosi had long been considering a surprise stop in the sovereign, democratic nation of Taiwan – defying the Chinese Communist Party, which falsely claims Taiwan as a rogue “province” and dismisses its government as an illegitimate separatist entity.

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) confirmed to Breitbart News last week that Pelosi was planning to visit Taiwan and had invited him to join, though he was unable to due to scheduling reasons.

Various Communist Party spokesmen and propagandists have spent much of the past month threatening Pelosi in an attempt to prevent the visit, warning that Beijing would consider such a high-profile visit a violation of its “One China” policy – which insists that Taiwan (the Republic of China) is a province of the People’s Republic of China. Top Global Times commentator Hu Xijin suggested last week that Chinese forces should shoot Pelosi’s plane down if it appears to be traveling to Taiwan. Hu described a visit to Taiwan by Pelosi and the delegation, even if welcomed by the Taiwanese government, as an “invasion” of China.
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