Blue State Blues: A Republican House Must Investigate Adam Schiff

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  • Source: Breitbart
  • 12/10/2021
United States Capitol on Sunny Day by Andy Feliciotti is licensed under
Admire, if you will, Adam Schiff’s ability to cling to a complete fraud, long after everyone else has realized that it is so.

On Wednesday, Schiff told CNN that the Steele dossier, the phony oppositionresearch document that was the flimsy basis for the “Russia collusion” hoax, was still true: “[S]ome of those allegations proved to be all too accurate.”
Which? He did not specify. Perhaps he meant the claim that Moscow is the capital of Russia, because it was about the only true statement in the file.

But Schiff is more than a partisan hack or a willful fool. He is still the chair of the House Intelligence Committee — and amazingly so, after he destroyed his credibility over “Russia collusion” and drove the impeachment of President Donald Trump to its inevitable failed conclusion.

As chair of that committee, Schiff is one of the most powerful human beings in America — and he has abused that power. And under Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), he has gotten away with it.
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