Big majority of Americans, among them Trump supporters, want the president to try to make Obamacare work

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Most Americans want Obamacare fixed — not set up to fail.

A poll released Tuesday shows that a whopping 75 percent of Americans, including a majority of supporters of President Donald Trump, want Trump and his administration to do what they can to make the Affordable Care Act work.

That sentiment was strongest among Democrats and independents. But 51 percent of Republicans surveyed said the same thing about the landmark health-care reform law, the Kaiser Family Foundation poll found.

A total of 54 percent of self-described Trump supporters want the president to make Obamacare work.

The survey also found that just 19 percent of Americans — and only 38 percent of Republicans — want the Trump administration to take steps to make Obamacare fail so that it can be replaced afterward.
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