Biden’s DOJ Sending Election Monitors To 64 Jurisdictions, 20 More Than Trump Administration Did In 2020

Polling station sign door by Elliott Stallion is licensed under

On Monday, one day before Election Day, the Biden administration’s Justice Department announced it was sending monitors from its Civil Rights Division to 64 jurisdictions in 24 states in order to “monitor compliance with federal voting rights laws.”

The DOJ also alerted Americans that if they had complaints about “possible violations of the federal voting rights laws” they could contact the Civil Rights Division through its call center.

“Complaints related to disruption at a polling place should always be reported immediately to local election officials (including officials in the polling place),” the DOJ states. “Complaints related to violence, threats of violence or intimidation at a polling place should be reported immediately to local police authorities by calling 911.”

States targeted by the DOJ include Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida,  Georgia, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Harnett County, New Jersey, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas,  Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin.

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