Beto's 2020 Legacy: Offering Frightening Glimpses Into the Authoritarian Left's Ultimate Goals

Beto O'Rourke, who is still running for president, has been in 'say anything' mode for months.  Desperate to gain traction in a race in which he's been an overhyped bit player, the former Texas Congressman continues to pander to the hard Left on various social issues, telling them what they want to hear, and framing his radicalism as 'bravery' that rival candidates don't possess.  The more potent effect he's having, it seems, is on the Right.  He's steadily confirming the worst fears of conservatives by publicly and enthusiastically sliding to the bottom of several slippery slopes -- and he's attracting loud applause from progressive audiences, further entrenching center-right Americans' fears.

On gay marriage and LGBT rights, the resonant and successful message from supporters has been to appeal to fellow Americans' sense of individualism, fairness and equality.  'Our love doesn't affect you, and it's only fair to give us equal rights to pursue happiness' was a persuasive sentiment that eventually helped win over many skeptics.  Then came the vengeance-minded enforcement brigade, targeting small businesses who didn't want to actively serve or participate in same-sex ceremonies.  Even as those battles raged, religious liberty supporters were assured that houses of worship and explicitly religious organizations would of course be exempt from the new societal rules.  
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