Analysis: Push for Green Energy Not Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Driving up Oil Prices, Threatening Security

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  • Source: Breitbart
  • 02/28/2022
silhouette of wind turbines during sunset by Anna Jiménez Calaf is licensed under
The website posted an analysis about how the push for green energy years before Russia invaded Ukraine – and on steroids since Joe Biden became president – is to blame for soaring oil prices and foreign policy weakness.

The analysis begins with a story about a team from MetalMinder, “the largest metals-related media site in the U.S.”, on a trip to Germany in 2018 where they discovered people’s health suffered from coal pollution because after the Japanese Fukushima nuclear disaster it began shutting down its nuclear energy operations.

“In hindsight, that decision by Germany appears both foolish and ironic,” the team concluded. “Foolish because Germany has lost its negotiating power (pun intended) with Russia for which it relies.  It’s ironic because the country already had ‘clean energy’ but now must turn back to dirty energy to avoid blackouts.”

The world is watching, the analysis said, to see if the sanctions against Russia will work. They don’t think they will, especially because while Biden has almost singlehandedly shut down the once flourishing domestic fossil fuel sector Putin is being allowed to continue his lucrative oil exports — including to the United States.
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