All eyes on 2023

While the national political scene focuses on the midterm elections on Nov. 8 and what is likely to be an incredibly consuming presidential race in 2024, in Kentucky, a lot of the focus seems to be on 2023 and specifically, the race for the Governor’s Mansion.

Just a few months after taking office in his first term, Gov. Andy Beshear found himself at the helm of the commonwealth and, at the same time, navigating through the COVID-19 pandemic.

And, while Beshear’s strong actions on the matter earned him the adoration of national Democrats and meme-makers, the lockdowns and restrictions have proven less popular here in Kentucky. While some lauded the governor, those seeking to unseat him and to continue the state’s red shift have found much momentum is to be gained by challenging Beshear’s decisions.

Just take a look at the field: Savannah Maddox came into statewide prominence by challenging Beshear’s actions as “tyranny” and sponsored a measure in the 2022 legislative session which would ban governments from requiring employees to disclose whether they have received COVID-19 vaccine shots.


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